Meet Sharon

I found myself a stay at home momma & wife at the young age of 23, wanting more for my family & wanting to follow my dream I took the plunge & bought my camera, the rest is history!

When I am not peering through my lens, you can find me most likely at home cuddling & playing with my precious babies, drinking a cold pepsi & soaking up every moment with my family I can. Jeremy Jr, my precious little boy turned 5 this spring & will be starting school in the fall. My sweet Carolina, my daughter whom we had join our family of 3 this spring making us 4. Little Jeremy was named after his father of course, & our Carolina well as you probably guessed after the state...oh yes we just went with it...but we absolutely love her name & it so fits her.

My husband, I like to call "my babe" & I have been together for 12 exciting, loving, fantastic years & married for 6 years this summer. As I said in my wedding vows, he is the other half of my heart & I could not have found a better partner. He is my cheerleader, my shoulder to cry on, my sunshine on a cloudy day...all that corny stuff. But he truly is, I thank god every day for that man of mine.

Some of my favorites <3...

The Beach, Ben & Jerrys, An ice cold Pepsi, When my bedroom is clean & my sheets are freshly washed, laughter, feeling loved, Night drives in the country with husband on a cool summer night <3
Helping those who need it most truly warms my soul, Kisses from my precious little boy, giggles from my baby girl.

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