Nice to meet y'all!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


    Welp, I have finally done it....I have started my BLOG. Pretty darn excited for myself right now. I have made a goal to blog at least once a week so we will see what I come up with...sharing my work with my followers, clients & new friends will be a huge part of what I blog about, but I also would love to show off my personal life, things I love & that are just plain important to me. 

First as you may have guessed for anyone who does not know me yet, my name is Sharon. My husband likes to call me "Rogeen"(my middle name) or sometimes when he is being sweet, just "babe." My parents call me "Sis" & my babies call me "Mommy" but to everyone else just simply Sharon. :)

Jeremy Nelson Jr, my little boy. He will be starting Kindergarden in a few short weeks & I just do not know what to do with myself over it. I am so over the moon proud of my son, but gosh will I miss him. His district has all kindergarten so it will be a huge adjustment for our family, but a good one for him. He also became a big brother this spring, which he just could not be better at. He also spent his first week ever away from us, he is only 5 & normally I would never buttttt his grandparents are the coolest grandparents ever & they have a farm. Every summer all of the grandkids go for "Camp" & they love it. Jeremy was always told when he was 5 he could come down for the week long adventure & his year finally came! He had a few nights he said that he just missed his home, but in the end he did great & we could not be more proud of how brave he is, or more happy for all of the memories he made.

Carolina Jo, our baby girl graced us with her presence on April 1st 2015. Her brother Jeremy celebrated his 5th birthday on March 31st 2015. So yes my babies have birthdays barely a day apart....ahh birthdays will be interesting for us here on out! The day of March 31st we woke up little Jeremy with balloons & had an entire fun day planned. I was scheduled to be induced the next morning.. April 1st.. so we wanted to really have a awesome day before mommy was busy with his new sister. The festivities came to an end at Chuckie Cheese. Well I was to be at the hospital at 5am but my water broke while I was lying in bed wide awake at 2:30 am. I arrived to the hospital at 3:35 am & Carolina was born at 4:40 am.....whew we made it just in time!

She has brought us so much joy. We adore her & can't wait to watch her grow as we have her brother <3

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